Pretension Central

So this will be an exercise in complete bullshit and ramblings about how I fucking hate everything and pretty much everyone. Foul language will be used and is encouraged. Liberal points of view will be quite the norm. You have been warned.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

No love for me please!

Why the hell do people feel safe with this moron in office! I just cannot figure it out! I am sorry Dubya but the reason my OBGYN cannot practice "his love" with me is because it is fucking illegal!!!! The only thing he can practice is medicine, but it is so fucking expensive because of malpractice insurance and shit like that. Maybe we could do something about it if we, I don't know, regulated insurance and made it more affordable. I guess it is kinda hard when you spend so much money fighting a war for your daddy so he can finally win the war of who has a bigger dick! My response: Go shove that dick up your ass sideways!!!! Let me know how that works out for you.