Pretension Central

So this will be an exercise in complete bullshit and ramblings about how I fucking hate everything and pretty much everyone. Foul language will be used and is encouraged. Liberal points of view will be quite the norm. You have been warned.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Cosplay is for Sucks!

I must preface this post first by saying that at one time I bullshitted about dressing up as various anime characters but, just like everything else, it ended up going in the 93% bucket because you just don't do that shit! Yes, I like anime, but there is a breaking point and Cosplay is one of them. Every person that I have ever observed playing dress up is ugly so it just becomes painful to look at. I know people say that it is about the creativity in making the costume and having fun and all of that bullshit! Fuck 'em!!! If you are over the age of twelve, it is no longer acceptable to dress up! Act your age. As with everything else in life....if you are ugly, cover yourself up and try not to draw anymore attention to yourself!!! IT IS NOT HALLOWEEN! YOU ARE NOT CUTE! STOP THAT! STOP THAT!