Pretension Central

So this will be an exercise in complete bullshit and ramblings about how I fucking hate everything and pretty much everyone. Foul language will be used and is encouraged. Liberal points of view will be quite the norm. You have been warned.

Friday, March 03, 2006


Yep so I graduated in December and then proceeded to find employment. I am now employed by the government. Welcome to the world of red tape and forms and paperwork. I had better get the new cover sheet for the TPS reports. Anyway I like the people that I work with, they are all really nice people and it is a lot of fun so far. Today was the exciting day of cube assignment and cumputer login!!!! I also had to participate in this personality assessment and I am the color orange. I was very close between green and orange so I think that I am a good combo of both but the ornage was slightly higher in the totals. Basically, apparently I am a creative person who likes to do new things and does not always do well with routine. I would agree. Anyway I get lots of holidays and the income is know to like eat and pay bills and shit. Yep so life is good and best of all the building is near the Creek which is the best place for a shopper like myself.....I will have to try and be very good. This could be hard! Stay tuned.